Author name: gisum_user


Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab ReSCUE ReSCUE: Reliable Software Composition in Ubiquitous Environments Building software systems as a combination of interacting software entities (components, services, etc) is a central issue in the Software Engineering community, improving productivity as it enables the reuse of existing software entities. In such a …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab 4GREEN 4GREEN (Efficiency in energy consumption in the fourth generation mobile devices) The project aims to propose solutions that contribute to the energy efficiency of the terminal devices in mobile communication systems, especially the fourth generation. Also contribute to the field of testing tools and …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab ABCDE ABCDE: Alain Bensoussan Career Development Enhancer The “ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme” was supported by the FP7 Marie Curie Actions – People, Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND) of the European Commission. More than 150 fellowships were granted under the Programme. The last …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab Tecrail Tecrail: LTE Communications Technologies for the Automated Driving and Control Railway. The main aim of the TECRAIL Project lies in determining the adaptive feasibility of the LTE (LONG TERM EVOLUTION) and IP CONVERGENCE systems for railway environments, so that they may be applicable …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab CHECKIT CHECKIT: New Extensions of Formal Methods in Modelling, Verification, Synthesis and Optimization of Embedded and Mobile Communication Systems: Application of Certification of LTE Protocols Computer systems are gradually replacing tasks that due to its critical nature have been conducted manually. This explosion of new …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab Fed4FIRE Fed4FIRE is an Integrating Project under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) addressing the work programme topic Future Internet Research and Experimentation. It started in October 2012 and will run for 48 months, until the end of September 2016. PROJECT OVERVIEW Experimentally …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab flex FLEX (FIRE LTE testbeds for open experimentation) aims at contributing a crucial missing piece in FIRE’s infrastructure puzzle: cellular access technologies and Long-Term Evolution (LTE). FLEX’s experimentation environment will feature both open source platforms and configurable commercial equipment that span macro-cell, pico-cell and …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab SAID SAID (SmArt water management with Integrated Decision support systems) This project is a European project co-funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Program within ENV-2013-WATER-INNO-DEMO-1, and started officially on January 1st, 2014 for 36 months (2014-2016). The project is a collaboration …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab Q4Health Q4Health (Quality of service and prioritization for emergency services in the LTE RAN stack) is focused on the optimization of real time video for emergency services over LTE. The project is being implemented as a set of experiments conducted over the FIRE platforms …

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Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab Triangle The focus of TRIANGLE is the development of a framework that facilitates the evaluation of the QoE of new mobile applications, services and devices designed to operate in the future 5G mobile broadband networks. The framework will exploit existing FIRE facilities, adding new …

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