Morse Reseach group


4GREEN (Efficiency in energy consumption in the fourth generation mobile devices)

The project aims to propose solutions that contribute to the energy efficiency of the terminal devices in mobile communication systems, especially the fourth generation. Also contribute to the field of testing tools and the optimization of software applications. The project addresses the goals from four different fields:

  1. Development of measurement solutions that not only assess the performance of the terminals or radio interoperability protocols but also its efficiency and its relation to the transmission performance (parameters such as use of network resources, transmission speed and latency).
  2. Development of techniques and solutions for determining the energy efficiency and optimizing the energy performance of the radio access elements of the network and of the mobile devices.
  3. Development of techniques for designing software applications for mobile terminals, optimizing the energy performance of hardware devices that run them.
  4. Development of techniques for designing software applications specific to M2M communications environment to optimize the energy efficiency of this equipment and machines in their connection to the communications network.

Financial Entity: Agilent Technologies
Role: Participant
Date: 22/05/2012 - 22/05/2014
Web: Website