Morse Reseach group
Mobile Networks and Software Reliability

About us
The Mobile Networks and Software Reliability (MORSE) research group is part of Universidad de Málaga (UMA). UMA is a public university in the Spanish Autonomous Region of Andalusia with about 40,000 students and over 3,000 research and teaching staff. The main technical degrees at undergraduate and graduate levels are those offered in Industrial/Mechanical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering and Computer Science.
MORSE group comprises a team of professors and researchers of the UMA’s Department of Programming Languages and Computer Science. Its headquarters are at the Technical High School on Computer Science and the Andalusian Institute for Technology and Software Engineering (ITIS) in Malaga. The group’s activities are geared towards both basic and applied research, along with significant dedication to technological transference. The group’s research projects receive important financial support, which is obtained from both public and private grants and through participation in European projects.
MORSE has great experience in software for mobile communication networks and formal methods for software reliability.
Our group has successfully collaborated with several companies on the wireless sector contributing in the development of conformance testing tools, protocol stacks, deployment of pilots and more.
MORSE has participated in more than 20 national and international projects funded by public funding and by collaborations with private companies like Alcatel-Lucent, Adif, Agilent Technologies, Keysight Technologies, AT4 wireless, Optimi (now part of Ericsson), Abengoa Water, or Telefónica. Its technology transfer capabilities are widely recognized.
Model based testing and model checking for Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs)
Runtime verification of extra-functional properties in CPSs
Quality of Service/Quality of Experience in 4G/5G mobile networks
Experimental facilities for research in wireless communications
5G is considered to be the next decade mainstream broadband wireless technology and can leverage the efficiency and effectiveness of everyday high demanding operations such as Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).
The intense research work on 5G experimentation in Europe has reached the point where the evolved 5G capabilities, provided through the Service-Based Architecture (SBA), are to be exploited by third party innovators.
BroadPort (BroadWay)
The ambition of the BroadWay project is to achieve operational mobility for public safety responders across Europe by linking national mission-critical mobile broadband networks to act as one.
get in touch
María del Mar Gallardo Melgarejo
Phone: +34 952132797 / +34 951952959
Pedro Merino Gómez
Phone: +34 952132752 / +34 951952958
MORSE Laboratory
Instituto Andaluz de Ingeniería del Software - Edificio Ada Byron
Ampliación Campus de Teatinos. Universidad de Málaga.
C/ Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29071 - Málaga (España)
MORSE at University of Málaga
Ampliación Campus de Teatinos. Universidad de Málaga C/ Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa 18, 29071 - Málaga (España)