Author name: gisum_user


Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab AlphaSPIN alphaSPIN is a XML-based tool for obtaining abstract versions from models written in PROMELA, which can be verified with the model checker SPIN. Website

Quality monitoring in mobile communications

Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab Quality monitoring in mobile communications INVESTIGACIÓN en el área de Monitorización de Calidad en comunicaciones móviles Financial Entity: TARTESSOS TECHNOLOGIES S.A. Role: Participant Date: 01/01/2005 – 31/12/2005


Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab E-TIKET E-TIKET: arquitectura de aplicaciones de tarjetas inteligentes para el sector servicios The E-TIKET project focuses on electronic commerce and the use of the smart cards as proof of identity of users and as a store of electronic tickets. It will analize the different types of …

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Methodologies and tools for distributed applications

Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab Methodologies and tools for distributed applications DISEÑO de Software basado en Componentes. Metodologías y Herramientas para el desarrollo de Aplicaciones Distribuidas Financial Entity: CICYT Role: Participant Date: 31/12/1999 to 31/12/2002


Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab M-QUALITY M-QUALITY: medición de la calidad del servicio en la telefonía móvil de tercera generación Financial Entity: PETRI Role: Participant Date: 15/10/2005 to 14/10/2006


Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab EMIRES Mobile accesss to transport information and tourist at the Costa del Sol Financial Entity: Conserjería de Transportes y Obras Públicas Role: Technical coordinator Date: 26/12/2005 – 26/12/2006

QoS monitoring Tools in mobile communications

Morse Reseach group Home Members Projects Publications Activities Tools Morse Lab QoS monitoring Tools in mobile communications INVESTIGACIÓN en el área de Herramientas para la Monitorización de Calidad de Servicio en comunicaciones móviles Financial Entity: TARTESSOS TECHNOLOGIES S.A Role: Participant Date: 01/01/2006 – 31/12/2006